Local Missions

Buffet Line

So many members of Bethlehem  are involved in one or more mission projects. It’s not just about making and bringing disciples to our church, but being the hands and feet of Christ in and for the community, making disciples for Him.

These are just some of the mission opportunities in which we participate:

Christina’s House

Christina’s house was dedicated on Saturday, November 18, 2017

On behalf of the seven teams we sent to Evergreen, VA to build Christina’s House, I want to thank the congregation for their support of volunteers, prayers and financing. Our teams, augmented by Conference Relief Coordinator Stephanie Hunt, put in 3,554 hours of labor. That’s 46 individual volunteers, 34 of which came from Bethlehem. That’s one, big, hair, audacious goal (BHAG) accomplished. Thanks to all that made this happen.

Stephanie wrote to us last fall:

Words cannot express my awe of your church and the endurance and tenacity that you all had to make this family, who would have been completely left out of the system, a beautiful home. It was a long, hard struggle, but the thing that got me through was that we are serving a very loving gracious GOD who had a plan to bring this family home. You were an important vessel, and you answered the call. For that, I am grateful for everything that you did to make this a reality. Peace be with each of you . . .”

Thanks be to GOD,
Rick Carroll

For most of us, the memories of the deadly tornado that devastated Appomattox and surrounding communities over a year ago, have faded. Many of those who lost homes and family members have spent these past months rebuilding and healing from that tragedy.

Pastor David Lord, with Payton, Trenton, & Christina Garrett & Project Coordinator Rick Carroll
Pastor David Lord, with Payton, Trenton, & Christina Garrett & Project Coordinator Rick Carroll

But not every family has been able to recover and return to “normalcy” . . .
Christina Garrett, who lived in a house on her father’s property, saw the tornado destroy her home, her father’s home and her sister’s home nearby. While helping them rebuild their homes this past year, Christina has waited patiently to receive financial assistance to rebuild her own.

Regrettably, because she was renting-to-own her home and did not own the land, she did not qualify for financial aid to rebuild her house. Since the tornado, she and her two small boys, eight-year-old Peyton and three-year-old Trenton, have been living with her mother, with little hope of having their own home again.

Christina’s story touched the heart of the mission team from Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Moneta, as they worked on another home in the area. Rick Carroll, heading up the BUMC team, shared the dilemma of this single mom with his church along with the idea of funding and rebuilding a home for Christina and her children.

Church leaders enthusiastically embraced the plan, officially titled Christina’s House . . . a Time to Rebuild, and presented it to their congregation. With a goal of $70,000, and a site director provided by the United Methodist Church Va Conference, the congregation was equally as enthusiastic to begin the process of building a home for the Garrett family. Individuals immediately began pledging to support and help build the home. On May 7 a ground breaking ceremony was held and construction began.